Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Have you ever wondered where is Christ? Like if he is indeed the living savior shouldn't we be able to see him? Shouldn't we be able see evidence of the impact he has made in the world? The answer is yes!!! Christ in the city is a movement. This blog is for people who want to see Christ outside of a stained glass window, out of a churchy song, but smack dab in the middle of their city and in their hearts. Most of Christ greatest moments happened outside of the temple. Healing a blind man, Calling disciples, Walking on water, healing a woman with an issue of blood, taught on a mountain, over came temptation, amazed a woman at a well, prayed in a garden, died on a hill, ressurected from a barrowed tomb, I tell you some jesus favorite moments happened outside the temple. It happened where people lived.

It seems as if Christ isn't to concearned with dwelling in a building. May be he desires to dwell some place else like your hearts. Understanding Christ desire to dwell in you heart he comes exactley where you are, exactley where you live. After the beneditction on sunday we still have to go back into the world. This is the place our practice of faith and our devotion to the ways of christ should be demonstrated. How we love people in spite of who they are or where they've been and even where they are going. How we treat people, how we love our families, how we serve our communities, how we defend those who can't defend themselves, how we meet people right where they are and love people unconditionally. When we do these things we show
Christ in the City!!!!

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